0342 2312525 Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM

Attention Caregivers!

  • Attention for Caregivers!

    The number of caregivers is limited to one person. One caregiver is deemed sufficient, as having more than one could create unnecessary crowding and disrupt hospital operations. Caregivers must comply with hospital rules. If these rules are violated, the caregiver status of the individual will not be accepted.

    Caregivers may use the caregiver seats in the patient rooms to rest. They should not perform any procedures for the patient unless instructed by a doctor or nurse. Caregivers are expected to keep hospital belongings clean and orderly. Any caregiver who damages hospital property will be required to cover the cost of the damage.

    Caregivers are not allowed to take patients outside the hospital or change their beds unless requested by the relevant doctor or nurse. Smoking and the consumption of alcohol are strictly prohibited for caregivers within the hospital. Caregivers should not give any food or drink to the patient without consulting the doctor or nurse.

    Caregivers are expected to avoid loud conversations or shouting in patient rooms and corridors to prevent disturbing staff and other patients. If there is any issue with the patient, caregivers should inform the nurse. Frequent changes of caregivers are discouraged, and if a change is necessary, caregivers should notify the nurses.

    Attention for Visitors!

    Visiting hours in our hospital are from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM. To ensure a peaceful environment, we kindly ask patients and visitors not to speak loudly or make noise in patient rooms and corridors. Please use the televisions in your rooms at a volume that does not disturb others.

    If you have valuables or a significant amount of cash with you, we recommend depositing them with the security office. Please refrain from smoking or consuming alcohol within the hospital. We kindly ask that you keep your visits short and avoid littering.

    Please share your feedback about our hospital, whether positive or negative, in the suggestion boxes.

    Thank you for adhering to our hospital rules.